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Our location in Florida gives us over 300 VFR days to
perform flight
and time building activities. Here are a few suggestions to help
you build your skills. Flight planning assistance is provided to
accomplish these trips.
1. Visit the
Bahamas. Landing fees are about $50 for the first airport
and $10-15 at subsequent airports (if you stop inside the FBO).
is $3.50-$4.00 per gallon as of March 2005. See map to the right.
2. Set an aeronautical record and land at all 27 public use, hard
airports in the Bahamas in under 15 hrs. See map to the right.
3. Fly the entire Florida coastline. This is approximately
933 nm and
should take about 12 hours of flight time.
4. Set an aeronautical record and land at every public use, hard
surface airport
in Florida in under 45 hrs. See IFR
Adventure #34
5. Visit Cancun,
Cozumel, and Chichen Itza Mexico (additional insurance
and landing fees) then follow the Gulf of Mexico coast line back to the
aircraft home base. This is approximately 2,700nm and should take
about 20 hours of flight time. Fuel is $2.50-$4.00 per gallon as
of March-April, 2004 at Mexican airports (if available). See map
to the right.
6. Visit the Florida Keys.
7. Fly some of the most challenging approaches in North America,
performing them like
the professionals. Get every kind of approach there is with
terrain considerations, STARs, SIDs/DPs, and holds. Undertake an IFR Adventure
8. Long trip to the mecca of aviation, Oshkosh. |
9. Go bush
Visit the Canadian Maritime Provinces, Quebec, and Ontario then follow
the Mississippi River back to the aircraft home base. Landing
fuel, and exchange rates are excellent. Accommodations are cheap
and plentiful
and the scenery is spectacular! Best time to visit: after the
(April/May) or early Fall (September). See map to the right.
10. See the
carribean. Multi-engine flying is the way to go when you consider
long distances over water. Seeing the carribean gives you a
chance for extensive international experience that you can't get
anywhere. See the journey of one pilot at IFR
Adventure #46 Caribbean/South America
11. Add your multi-engine rating, and MEI to your current
12. Visit the great
west including stop overs at the Grand Canyon, Mount Shasta,
Death Valley, Lake Mead, Crater Lake, Yellowstone, Fossil Butte,
Falls, Devil's Postpile National Park, Grand Teton, and Glacier
Park. This 25 hour cross country offers spectacular views,
flying, excellent food, and cheap accommodations.
13. Go see the Legends of Flight, Spirit of St Louis Airport, to
Wright Patterson Airforce Base (Dayton OH), to Kitty Hawk, to
Pensacola's Naval Air Museum. See IFR Adventure #30
Legends of Flight
14. Follow the old Route 66. Low and slow. This trip
is still under development.
15. Follow the Pacific Coast Highway. Again, Low and
Slow. 50 airports on the far Western edge of the continent await
the adventurous traveler.
16. Follow the eastern seaboard. See lighthouse after
lighthouse and old spanish forts as you fly low and slow over some of
the most beautiful scenery in North America. The best time to do
this is September - October during the fall colors. The best
scenery, accomodations, and training can be had along Maine as early as
17. Visit all the
places where meteors have impacted the United States. You'll
see Upheaval Dome Crater, Beaver Head Crater, Redwing Crater,
Manson Crater, Glover Bluff Crater, Des Plaines Crater, Calvin Crater,
Kentland Crater, Glasford Crater, Serpent Mound Crater, Middlesboro
Crater, Flynn Creek Crater, Wells Creek Crater, Crooked Creek Crater,
Decaturville Crater, Haviland Crater, Ames Crater, Marquez Crater,
Sierra Madera Crater, Odessa Crater, Barringer Meteorite Crater.
Some of them aren't very interesting, but a good many are fairly
there is nothing new on the earth, still the traveler always has a
resource in the skies. They are constantly turning a new page to view.
The wind sets the types on this blue ground, and the inquiring may
always read a new truth there."
Henry David Thoreau
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