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Casualties of Geocities

by Darren Smith, CFII/MEI

On October 26, 2009, the free websites arm of Yahoo called Geocities disappeared forever.  There was notice.  Several months of it.  There were many websites which became casualties of the closing of Geocities.  This page is a tribute to those lost websites.  Many of which we will never see again.  You suck Yahoo.

My website was not included.  I was a paying customer of Geocities so Yahoo decided for the few that were paying, they would continue hosting these websites on Yahoo webhosting without a price increase for the next 5 years.  When the discounted deal ends, I'll move my website to another provider.

Why? Yahoo destroyed the constant & steady flow of visitors to this website because all the top search engines indexed these pages in the geocities domain.  As a result of the migration to cfidarren domain, traffic dropped from 35,000 visitors a month to about 1,000 the month after the switch.  Six months later, in April, 2010, the website still only garners 10,000 visitors per month.  Thanks Yahoo, you suck.  As a result, I've had to embark on several marketing efforts to bring the traffic back to the website (web traffic keeps the lights on and the website running).  So explore these services -------->

You'll notice that the domain name for my website is now cfidarren.com instead of geocities.com/cfidarren.  That's created a few problems as there are many many links out there which connect folks to my website using the older geocities addressing.  Yahoo says they'll do domain forwarding but I suspect that wont last forever.  You suck Yahoo.

You'll see from the list below that a good many of aviation resources have disappeared because of the closure of Geocities.  While not everything on the list is of interest to me, I'm sure others will miss these resources.  For the web publisher without a hosting budget, this closure was devastating.  Try some of the links, you'll see they're long gone.

I'm going to make an unprecedented offer to those web publishers whose content fits the mission of cfidarren.com or at least my personal interests.  It will cost me money and time, but I'm serious about the offer -- I will be a hosting provider of last resort.

As part of my web hosting agreement with Yahoo, I have 500 subdomains available which I'm willing to give free hosting on the cfidarren domain to folks who would like to continue their aviation related websites online.  The website must fit one or all of these three content criteria:
  1. It's got to fit the mission of cfidarren which is aviation training, learning and safety. 
  2. It's got to match my interests, which are:   earthrounders, round the world trips (planned or in-progress), general aviation, safety, and training for general aviation including fixed wing, glider, LTA, seaplane, gyrocopter, and helicopter.
  3. Orphan information that never changes, or really long (>500NM) cross country logs which are interesting and have pictures, non-airplane aircraft projects, or aviation reference websites.  Remember: the content doesn't change and it fits my interests.
  4. The website was a casualty of Geocities and meets at least one of the above criteria.  It does not need to be on the list below.  That's just a little list of aviation websites on Geocities that I happened to be tracking.
  5. The website must carry the google ads as required by the contract between cfidarren.com and google.
The purpose of the website must to be inform, to entertain or be a reference. It must be strictly non-profit with zero advertising.  If your website fits the profile listed above I will gladly host your website.  You can even use and control your own domain name.  Drop me an email to discuss your ideas. 

SORRY:  No clubs or club chapters, RC, flight sim, skydiving, FBOs, schools, flight instructors, etc.   I'm not interesting in helping you make money -- I'm interested in making aviation training and safety information freely available. 

Disclaimer:  This is not a contract.  What I'll include on my website is my decision and is final. There's no right of appeal.

Casualties - Look at all these websites that disappeared when Yahoo killed Geocities. 90% of which I can't find on the web and are probably gone forever. You suck Yahoo.

  • Daryl's Pacer Restoration - The restoration of Pacer PA22-20 C-GQUZ to airworthy status.
  • Marbore II Jet Engine Restoration - Rebuilding of a classic turbojet engine, a Marbore IIC3 from the mid 1950's.
  • Flying From Buffalo to Alaska in a Cessna 172 - A daily travel journal (with digital camera pictures) of a trip from Buffalo to Alaska by light plane.
  • Kokuryu's Cessna Page - Personal web page with a few Cessna aircraft pictures
  • Grumman Goose Database - A database of all the remaining Geese with photos and histories.
  • Piper J3-Cub - Piper J3-Cub - A Golden Age Classic
  • Hang Gliding and Hang Gliders - Hang gliding information and instruction.
  • Hang-Glide.com - Hosts a submission form for hang gliding and paragliding records for each of the United States of America, classified For Sale advertisements, links, message board, chat page, and the Arkansas Hang Gliding web site.
  • Rio Brazil Hang Gliding Tandem Flight - Hang gliding tandem flights in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with instructor Paulo Celani, certified by the Brazilian Hang Gliding Association.
  • Tandem Flights in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Flights from Pedra Bonita Ramp at a height of 1700 feet.
  • Lakeview, Oregon, U.S.A. - Produced to assist currently certified USHGA hang gliding pilots with planning their flights while visiting the Lakeview area. Descriptions of flying sites at and around Lakeview.
  • Toronto Paragliding Club - Offering flight resources to pilots located in Toronto, Canada.
  • John's Paragliding & Parachuting Pages - Paragliding in Derbyshire Peak District. Photos, logbooks, news, history and guestbook.
  • Bay Area Paragliding Weather Page San Francisco - San Francisco based web site offering links to weather sources, web cams, schools, and flying sites.
  • Sun Wind Paragliding Aviation School - Located in Kamloop, British Columbia offering training and tandem flights.
  • Luke Skywalker's Home Page - Paramotor x-treme flying. Information about the paramotor sport. Technical topics and lot of pictures.
  • Powered Paragliding - Aerial images from ground and air demonstrating the flight. Includes links.
  • Paramotor 2000 - Based in Spain, providing paramotor instruction and tandem rides. Details of courses and flights available.
  • Ottawa Hang Gliding and Paragliding club - Information and resources about free flying in Canada's capital
  • Sauratown Mountain Hang Gliding Club - Sauratown Mountain has been flown since 1981. The Sauratown Mountain Hang Gliding Club was formed in December of 1987 and continues to oversee and regulate all flying activities on the mountain.
  • Philip's JT-5B Autogyro Construction - Philip Mac Cabe's plans built JT-5B Autogyro project. A builders log of construction methods used ex. fiberglass work, welding and machining.
  • FRED Parasol Homebuilt - FRED is a Parasol, VW Powered, STOL airplane that can be towed home. This single place homebuilt was designed by Eric Clutton.
  • Jungster 1 Aerobatic Biplane - Information, pictures and specifications on an all wood single place aerobatic biplane.
  • Powered Parachute Plans - Plans to build your own 2 place powered parachute.
  • PW-5 Smyk Special - Features bulletins, news, wallpapers, glider comparisons, list of world records, associations, and links.
  • Guelph Gliding & Soaring Association - A non-profit organization operating in the Kitchener/Waterloo/Guelph area for individuals interested in learning and/or enjoying to soar/fly gliders.
  • Raytheon Employees' Flying Club - Flies out of Lawrence Municipal Airport. Information on officers, instructors, aircraft and prices.
  • Vultures Soaring Club of Michigan - 35 members at Marlette airport, 50 miles North of Detroit.
  • Frank Beagle's Home Page - Offering photographs of a Challenger ultralight.
  • Ultralight Flight in NE Ohio and Erie Islands. - Photos of Quicksilver and other ultralights in flight and links to other sites and club members of the North Coast Lite Flyers in Ohio.
  • Ultralight Stuff From Ron - Pilot's page offering photos and articles about ultralights.
  • Microlighting in the Western Cape - Offering resources for pilots in Cape Town, South Africa. Site provides information on local airfields, regional events, classifieds, and area news.
  • Ultralights in Brazil. - Local information such as flight schools and ultralight types.
  • Aerosport Cape Town - Based in the Western Cape. Offering 3 axis, 2 axis and weight shift training.
  • Fras Flying Club - Offering ultralight training in Johore Bahru, Malaysia.
  • Aerolight Flight School - Based in Rogersville New Brunswick, Canada. Offering training and sales.
  • Aquair Adventures Powerchutes - Training and sales of powered parachutes. Located in Sebastian, Florida.
  • Crewing 101 - Information about crewing for hot air balloons and the BFA Crew Achievement Awards.
  • A Balloon Flight for Peace - Invitation to participate in a hot-air-balloon flight for peace in Lasoberana, Western Africa.
  • Crewing 101 - Information about crewing for hot air balloons and the BFA Crew Achievement Awards.
  • Beautiful Balloons Company - Offering flights in Albuquerque.
  • Greater Mesilla Valley Aerostat Ascension Association - Local New Mexico events, member photos, and information on an unusual handicapped accessible balloon basket.
  • The Hong Kong Balloon and Airship Club - The Club operates several tethered balloons in Hong Kong and attends international balloon events overseas whenever possible. Includes a detailed history of the Cathay Pacific balloons and their many international flights.
  • Fly98 - Air Display at Kjeller - Pictures from the Air Display at Kjeller Airfield (Fly98). You can also find a lot of facts about the planes too.
  • The Aircraft Gallery - Military aircraft photos, facts, data and statistics.
  • Fighter Jocks & Mud Movers - Pictures, orders of battle and badges of world air forces combat units.
  • The Hangar Bay - Fact sheets on military aircraft from around the world.
  • Lock n Load - A guide to Fighter, Strike, and Attack aircraft; including the F-22, F-15, F/A-18.
  • Matt's Aviation - The Aviation Database with aeronautics information, military aviation pictures and trivia, an aviation glossary, chat, and aircraft specs.
  • The Military Plane Library - Information on military aircraft.
  • USAircraft - A site about US and International military planes.
  • Victor Momparler - Photos and brief fact sheets.
  • Aviation Gallery - Picture gallery of military aircraft.
  • Deane Crilley - Photos of a variety of aircraft.
  • Fighters in the Air - Image galleries of an international group of fighter aircraft and aerobatic teams.
  • Fightertown - Military aviation photography sorted by country and air force.
  • Heilige Zhang - Images of bombers from around the world.
  • Peter Clements - Photos and wallpapers of planes and helicopters.
  • Sam's Military Aircraft Gallery - Photos of helicopters, fighters, SR-71 Blackbirds, bombers, and stealth craft.
  • Simons Warbirds - Photos of aircraft from several countries.
  • Tim's Aviation Photo Galleries - Private photo galleries.
  • Twenty Thousand Feet - Aviation pictures and animations.
  • ControlModel Aeroplanes - Beginner controladvice on building, flying instructions, and free detailed construction plans.
  • Microaeronautics - Controlspeed and racing information.
  • Peoria Area Wyreflyers - Illinois, USA - Controlmodel airplane club information, flying site maps, events, calendar, newsletter, and related links.
  • George Nunez's Photo Gallery - Pictures of scale free flight model aircraft.
  • Walkalong Glider - Plans, description, history, construction help, and activities concerning this unique type of free flight model.
  • Glenn's R/C Electric Planes - Information and pictures of both home made and bought electric RC aircraft.
  • R/C Aerial Photography - This page describes some of the history and the current state of research directed toward development of a low cost system for aerial imaging.
  • Son Model - True scale RC Long EZ aircraft plans.
  • Malta Model Aircraft Flying Association - Maltese Islands - Information about this model aviation group with photos, flying site details, and Malta links.
  • Canberra Electric Flight Association - RC model aviation silent flight club information, pictures, what's on, and getting started page.
  • Halifax Radio Control Club - Nova Scotia - The HRCC RC club tries to have available a minimum of four instructors for the flying season.
  • Huronia RC Club - RC model aviation group's information, events, field map, and related links.
  • Dublin Kestrel Model Flying Club - RC model aviation group's information, events, field map, pictures, news, and contacts.
  • Leen Valley Model Flying Club - Nottingham - RC model aviation group's information, pictures, forum, field map, contacts, and related links.
  • Luton & District Model Aeronautical Society - Radio controlled model aircraft and helicopters club in Bedfordshire, England.
  • Old Fellows Flying Association - Northumberland, England - Club information, photos, events, and related links.
  • Tyne & Wear Flying Club - Sunderland - RC model aviation club data, history, for sale, field directions, membership application, and related links.
  • Condors R/C Model Airplane Club - Tulare County - Information, officers, events, newsletter, field map, pictures, tips, and related links.
  • Giant Scale Squadron - San Fernando Valley - RC big bird model airplane club information, events, pictures, video library, field data and map, newsletter, and related links.
  • Simi Valley Fliers - RC model aviation club information, flying site data, events, pictures, and related links.
  • Sky Corral Radio Control Club - Pueblo - Model aviation group's information, pictures, flying site data, and related links.
  • The Balsa Bandits - Torrington - RC model aviation club information, news, flying site data, pictures, officers list, and related links.
  • Northeastern Drone Society - Coventry - RC model airplane group presents their club photos, newsletter, and field location.
  • Southern Connecticut Radio Control Modelers - Kosciusko Park - RC model aviation club site with membership list and map to flying site.
  • Airmasters R/C Club - Indian River County - Model aviation club information, pictures, newsletter, calendar, and related links.
  • Imperial Radio Control Club - Mulberry - RC model aviation club information, events, field map, photos, contacts, and related links.
  • Marion County Cloud Climbers - Ocala - R/C model aviation club information, officers, contacts, flying site, rules, events, pictures, and related links.
  • Radio Signal Modelers - Elmwood Park - RC model aviation club information, contacts, pictures, field map, and related links.
  • Galveston R/C Fun Flyers - Club information, pictures, and field map.
  • Riley County Fliers - Manhattan - RC model aircraft club information, events, field map, and pictures.
  • 114th Jayhawk Squadron - RC giant scale aircraft club flying site information, contacts, photos, and related links.
  • Henderson R/C Airplane Club - Web mistress is Kathy and this site makes all club information available.
  • Murray R/C Modelers - Photo gallery, officers, field map, related links, visitor poll, and online community.
  • Bay County R.C. Club - Model airplane club information, members list, photos, and related links.
  • Skymaster's RC Club - Detroit - Information about this radio controlled airplane club located in the northern suburbs.
  • Bitterroot R/C Club - Florence - Model aircraft club information, officers list, field map, pictures, newsletter, and related links.
  • Atlantic County Sky Blazers - Egg Harbor City - RC model airplane club information, newsletters, field map, officers list, bulletin board, events, and related links.
  • Mahwah Model Club - Model aviation group's information, flying site directions, events, officers, and related links.
  • Monmouth Model Airplane Club - RC model aircraft group's information, field directions, contest dates, pictures, and related links.
  • West Windsor Flying Club - RC model Aviation club site for people who like to fly with their feet on the ground. Club information, calendar, newsletter, photos, and field map.
  • Central Oklahoma Radio Control Society - Norman - RC model aircraft club information, field map, photos, newsletter, officers, and related links.
  • OKRC Cloudbusters - Miami - RC model aviation club data, photo galleries, local weather, AMA links, local events, and field map.
  • Spirit of Utah Air Show Team - Model aviation group's information, events, pictures, contacts, team member roster and bios, and air show demographic study.
  • Platteville Area Modelers - RC model aircraft club information, contacts, pictures, and related links.
  • Southern Scale Warbirds - Association dedicated to pilots, builders, and enthusiasts of RC WWII giant scale warbird model airplanes.
  • Darryl Seering's Hangar - Darryl has been involved with RC model aircraft since 1986 and over the years has built and flown several RC aircraft.
  • Indian Aeromodellers - By Muinul Hussain - Comprehensive site for model aviation in India with general information, photos, tips, and resources.
  • Maltese Modellers Radio Control Aircraft Site - Information, pictures, projects, events, and related links.
  • Matt's R/C Scale Jets - Scale model aircraft pictures, plans, and related links.
  • My Page About Model Planes - Nassau, Bahamas - Michael's learning to fly information, flying site, pictures, and contacts.
  • Radio Control Models - Danny Dermer's RC model aviation interests with pictures, video clips, stories, and links.
  • R/C Airplanes - This site, by Kim Newton, details the 10 years involvement of a disabled modeler with the RC model aviation hobby and will be inspiring to others.
  • Hirobo Shuttle ZXX - A collection of helpful information, tips, how-tos, and related links useful to Shuttle RC helicopter owners.
  • Alex's Helicopter Online - By Alexandre Martins from Brazil. Kyosho helicopters, VRML helicopter model, sounds, animated gifs, photos, forum, chat, and related links.
  • Dedicated to Flying Helicopters - By Ken Jennings - X-cell construction overview, historic chopper feature, advice on getting started, heli photos, and related links.
  • Gary's Awesome R/C Page - Gary Villette's model aviation projects, custom helicopter design, photos, movies, and related links.
  • My Heli Page - By Mark Fadely - RC helicopter aerial photography and other choppers flown. Aerial and model helicopter photos.
  • Auslope - Slope soaring flying site directory. Site submission page, listings, news, and related links.
  • Soaring FAQ - Soaring FAQ compiled by Murray Lane.
  • Canberra Electric Flight Association - Canberra, Australia - RC soaring and electric flight club. Club information, events calendar, ACTAA thermal glider competition, introduction to R/C silent flight, and contacts.
  • Greater Lansing Area Soaring Society - Michigan - R/C glider club information, field map, member list, officers, events, and related links.
  • MMAA - Muscatine Miniature Aircraft Association, Iowa
  • Redwood Soaring Association - Humboldt County, California - Club information, flying site maps, pictures, newsletter, chat, news, events, and related links.
  • Soaring in Valley Forge National Park - Site for the soaring SIG of the Valley Forge Signal Seekers R/C flying club.
  • Stormeflyers - All weather flyers within close proximity of the Great Orme in North Wales flying dynamic soarers, combat EPP, composite screamers, and PSS.
  • SVS - Soar Valley Soarers, Leicester area of the UK
  • F3b in Connecticut - Information from Dennis Phelan on F3b and pictures from USA team selection contests.
  • Floyd Page - Floyd slope soarer site with drawings and templates to construct these cheap yet sturdy and reliable flyers.
  • Soaring Tools - Terry Trimble's source for EPP glider information.
  • Liftroll Cookbook - How to design a good wing using a vortex-lattice spreadsheet by John Hazel.
  • Multimedia - Alex's Helicopter Homepage - Clipart, sounds and animated GIFs.
  • Australasian Aviation Photos - Commercial, civil and military aircraft photographed at various locations around Australia and Asia.
  • Aviation at Hong Kong - Information on Hong Kong airport and the aircraft seen there.
  • Aviation Photography at Faro - Photos from Faro in southern Portugal.
  • Aviation Pictures - Photos of airliners from around the world. Includes a search by aircraft, airline and category.
  • Coast Aviation Research Group - Aviation Pictures from a Vancouver based group of photographers.
  • Girona Aviation Spotters - Photos of airliners taken in Spain.
  • Gordon Tan Airliner Images - Photos from Vancouver and Hong Kong.
  • Jérome Krier's Aviation Homepage - Pictures of the aviation scene in Luxembourg.
  • Josaviation - Airliners seen at Brussels and other European airports.
  • Krishna's Aviation Pictures - Aircraft pictures taken at Frankfurt.
  • Boeing Employees Flying Club - Non-profit flying club mainly for Boeing employees in the Wichita, KS area.
  • Raytheon Employees' Flying Club - Located in the Bedford (MA) area, near Boston. Get your pilot's license.
  • Island City Aero Club - We are a non-profit club to enhance the general aviation community at Cumberland Municipal Airport. Airport details, meetings and facilities.
  • Norhtwood Flying Club - Based at Northwood Municipal/Vince Field serving N.E. North Dakota and the Grand Forks area. Details of aircraft, rates, membership and training available.
  • Trailwinds Flying Club - Member owned club based in St. Joseph. Information on bye-laws, officers and aircraft.
  • Aviation Explorers Post 445 - Based in Fullerton, California for individuals ages 14-20 interested in an aviation career.
  • Chapter 380 - Grafton, North Dakota - Chapter history, member list, meeting times and locations, mission and contact information.
  • Chapter 1265 - Magnolia Springs - Chapter officers, member roster, photo gallery, links and directions.
  • Chapter 1209 - Saint Elmo - Events, calendar, newsletter and contact information.
  • Chapter 228 - Mesa - Meeting details and newsletter.
  • Chapter 286 - North San Diego County - Contact information, links, member projects, meeting minutes and events.
  • Chapter 170 - San Luis Obispo - Contains information about meetings and members, as well as a newsletter.
  • Chapter 812 - Ocala - Young Eagles, chapter officers and advisors, coming events and aviation links.
  • Chapter 866 - Titusville - Meeting dates, office bearers, events, newsletter and member projects.
  • Chapter 108 -Fort Walton Beach - Chapter information, newsletter, projects, newsletter, contact information, links and information about Young Eagles.
  • Chapter 2 - Fort Wayne - A newsletter, details of the officers, a calendar, and a guestbook.
  • Chapter 226 - Muncie - Events, photos and chapter officers.
  • Chapter 571 - Annapolis - Chapter officers, meeting information and links.
  • Chapter 145 - Grand Rapids - Local chapter of aviation enthusiasts, their interests and activities. Links to related sites and organizations are provided to complement presentations within this site.
  • Chapter 585 - Watervliet - Photo gallery, events and chapter information.
  • Chapter 453 - Painton - Young Eagles, meeting information, directions, photos and officers.
  • Chapter 353 - Glens Falls
  • Chapter 974 - Hamilton - Photos, coming events and newsletters.
  • Chapter 147 - Marlboro - News and events, chapter newsletters, member list, photo album, items for sale, chapter and member projects and planes.
  • Chapter 45 - Pittsburgh - About, news, featured project, guest book, photo gallery and contact information.
  • Chapter 958 - New Braunfels - Chapter officers, newsletters and archive, members, upcoming events, Young Eagles and links.
  • Chapter 651 - Green Bay - Classifieds, links, destinations, member projects, calendar, chapter officers and member information.
  • Chapter 631 - Ladysmith - Member projects, Young Eagles, membership application and chapter information.
  • Chapter 1331 - Wautoma - Meeting minutes, membership information, fly-ins and special events, member projects, officers and newsletter.

  • 747base - Offers the history and illustrations of the Boeing 747 fleet of aircraft.
  • Canadair Waterbomber CL-415 - Information, statistics, pictures, and links on the Canadair Waterbomber CL-415.
  • The Hornet Autogyro - Engineering projects, autogyros, general aviation, PRA, resume, rotorcraft, ejection seats, egress, solidworks, CAD, CAE, turbine, AG-60 thresher.
  • Mad About Aircraft - Offers detailed information about airliners, helicopters, business jets, and photos.
  • National Airlines - The history of National Airlines, former employees, pictures, planes, posters, and links.
  • Time Powaleny Website - Student's perspective while earning a college degree in aviation.
  • The Golden Age of Aviation - Provides pictures and history of the twenty year period between WW1 and WW2.
  • Ben's Airshow Pages - Descriptions of and photos from airshows Ben has attended.
  • Flying in Africa - Photojournal of flying in Africa.
  • Lee Keller's Aerodrome - Personal information, aircraft pictures and links to pilot resources.
  • Mike's Page - Aviation photography, articles, and personal information of flight instructor Mike Drag.
  • Sergei N.Stepanenko - History from Russian flight test engineer, Sergei N.Stepanenko.
  • AcarsTokyo - Aircraft movement logs from Japan.
  • The Airplane Spotting Guide - Focuses on all jet -- cargo and passenger -- airline spotting. Multiple photo albums, including some of aircraft in long-term storage.
  • Aviation: Sao Paulo Aviation Spot - Provides information about the Brazilian and South-American aviation scene. Home of an unofficial page about the Guarulhos International Airport-GRU. Includes a photo library and information on viewing points and airline information.
  • Bruno's Spotterspage - Pictures of planes, gliders, and hot air balloons.
  • Hong Kong Airport Plane Spotting and Photography Guide - Information on locations at or around Hong Kong International Airport (Chek Lap Kok Airport) for plane spotting and photography.
  • Tobi's Spotter Page - Photos from Stuttgart, Friedrichshafen, Munich, Frankfurt, Warsaw and other European airports. Spotting guides to Stuttgart and Friedrichshafen.
  • Powered Paragliding for Newbies - Offering a personal perspective on training and local flying photography.
  • X-treme Flying - Information about the paramotor sport and the learning process including technical topics and photographs.
  • Ferry County Fly-In - Annual August Republic, Washington event. Local accommodation information and links.
  • Davis, Mark - A flight instructor, ferry pilot, Ag pilot, tailwheel pilot and pilot for hire, specializing in tailwheel training.
  • Mountain Empire Pilots Association - Pilots Association based at Mountain Empire Airport in Marion, Virginia. Includes news and pictures.
  • Alaska Chapter - Provides information of events and a photograph gallery.
  • Albuquerque Chapter - Provides details of officers and contains member news.
  • Midatlantic Section - Contains contact details of chapters making up this section, an events calendar and chapter news.
  • Phoenix Chapter - Member news, meeting dates and contact details. Also has a monthly lunch club.
  • Purple Sage Chapter - Located in the Permian Basin area of West Texas. Office bearers and contact details.
  • San Diego Chapter - Includes information on pilot careers and flight training scholarships. Provides links and detail of various chapters of the organization.
  • Western Washington Chapter - Events, contact details for membership and a photo gallery of members and activities.
  • Aviation Resource Center - Information regarding aircraft, aerodynamics and aviation history.
  • Ellipsiod World Aviator - A resource for airplane pilots and student pilots learning to fly and maintain the high level of piloting skill necessary to fly airplanes in today's complex airspace environment.
  • The JoyRider - Describes how to build a flight motion simulator.
  • The 777 Project - A project dealing with the construction of a realistic and cost effective physical flight simulation device. It incorporates a flight sim wiring technique in which you wire directly to the keyboard in order to emulate keyboard signals.
  • F-16 Flight Simulator Page - Build your own flight simulator
  • F-4 Phantom Simulator - Describes the project to build a replica of an F-4 cockpit.
  • Hangar 16 - A cockpit project for use with PC flight simulators such as Jane's F/A-18. Cockpit is built of plywood from scratch loosely based on the F/A-18 Hornet.
  • Hellseat 2000 - A scale F-16 cockpit designed for home PC use.
  • Italian Combat Flight Simmer - Photos, plans and other assorted simulation links.
  • CF Spektakel - Canopy formation organization in Western Europe. Offers coaches, organizers, videomen, CF canopies.
  • Skydive Mozambique - Information about the skydiving sport in Mozambique, including dates of events, jump prices and conditions. In English and Portuguese.
  • Caroline Hughes - Photos of skydivers, dropzones, dropzone parties and skydiving. Caroline's profile. Also the Innuendo Formation Skydiving Team, competing in UK junior 4-way skydiving competitions.
  • Extreme Skydiving - Home page of Martin Skrzypczak. Includes freeflying photos and links from Skydive City in Florida.
  • Skydive Langar - Contains information, links, photos, dropzone information and prices of courses.
  • Tom's Skydiving Page - Home page of skydiver with pictures of his skydiving adventures.
  • Vertical Disparity - 8-way formation skydiving team, now disbanded. History, biographies, training information.
  • XLR-8 - Australian 8-way formation skydiving team. Information and photos.
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