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Multi Engine: Time Building / Airline Prep

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Beech 50 Bonanza

Like most pilots headed for an airline career, you already have all the certificates and ratings that you need. Now you need to meet the multi engine time requirement, before you can be hired with the airlines. Often times, this is the most expensive type of experience to obtain with the least guidance and support. This offering helps you build multi engine time at the best rates in the country while learning new skills at the same time. 

Wanna be an airline pilot?  Train like one...

Crew Resource Management is a discipline aimed to study and improve human factors in order to minimize and possibly eliminate pilot error related accidents and incidents. 
CRM training accomplishes the above by dividing the duties between the two pilots so that their workload is reduced. Nothing is done unless cross checked by the other crew member.  Read more about CRM on the CRM Resources page. 

How does the program work?

Stage 1:  Undergo training on the aircraft systems and aircraft checkout. You'll become proficient in the aircraft and emergency procedures. This is often completed within the first 5-10 hours of timebuilding.
Stage 2:  CRM, Callouts, and airline prep topics are introduced in every flight through a combination of in-flight and ground training.  In addition, every flight will consist of advanced training to enhance your instrument skills to ATP standards. 

By the time you complete your course you will be a more proficient, safe and confident pilot, with the experience and training to compete effectively for airline positions.  You will properly learn the division of duties and the challenge - response procedures.  You'll improve your 

  • Decision making skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Communication skills
  • Judgment skills
  • Crew coordination skills

Seven Reasons to Choose This Program:

  1. Get airline prep, current, and instrument current with an airline pilot.  Train with an instructor who has been there and done that... someone who can help you with contacts, interviews, and resources.
  2. Personal attention is provided as you progress through your training program.  You'll never wonder about your progress.    You will never fall through the cracks.
  3. We constantly evalute our competitors to ensure that our program provides the highest quality at the most reasonable cost in the country... compare for yourself.  We're not beat by anyone.
  4. This isn't about pencil whipping time in a logbook, its about building skills, having fun, and enjoyment.  See timebuilding suggestions or trip reports for ideas.  Build solid skills to support your interview efforts.
  5. You are PIC for the entire program receiving PIC credit in your logbook for 100% of the flight time unlike other programs which require you to play safety pilot games.  Program requires a minimum of 6 hours of flight time per day... after all, your goal is to get as much time as possible. 
  6. Safety:  techniques for safe flight are emphasized by your instructor which is also aviation safety counselor and speaks to groups on these topics frequently.
  7. Other programs expect you to fly during midnight to 6am so that the aircraft is available for their regular students.  Not with this program, fly when you want.  Other programs keep you coming back to the home base each night which limits your real world IFR cross country experience.  Not so with this program... you can go where you want.

Program Pricing

As of April 1st, 2007:  Timebuilding is not available.  Send me your email and I'll keep you posted.  If you're looking for something immediate, try the 35 hour allatps.com program.

Previous price was $110/hour (dry) for 100 hour block in a PA30 which burns 15gal/hour.  We buy fuel at $3.55/gal (as of 4/01/2007).

Compare these prices, you won't find a better program.

No minimum time purchase. All time 100% PIC!

We will give you one of the best flying experiences you ever had.  See the trip reports.
Cheap multi engine time building build Multiengine timebuilding

Time Building Suggestions, Next>>

Reader Comments

Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007  Name = Anonymous
From what I have heard, from my fixed friends in the airlines, it would definitely pay to have at least 250 hours of multi engine in the next couple of years. The airlines are going to have to restructure(again) and will allegedly clean their seniority list. There seems to be a consensus that there is a REAL pilot shortage in multi engine aircraft.

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